Thursday, August 25, 2011

Anna is on fast, Telangana Movt. is moving in full force, 2G...3G scam...these are the talks in my cab, of the town and the country. Amidst all these hustles and bustles, my mind can't seem to roam past that little cabin, surrounded by incredibly tall palm trees, the dangerously steep roads, the incessant pouring rain that leaves the mountains and hills lush green and alive, Ohhh! the smell of earth and the familiar faces. HOME. I'l be headed home in less than a week and the mere thought of it leaves me so excited that since I booked my ticket I've been extra nice. I have'nt cursed any of my cab-mates who manage to rigidly follow their 'let them wait for me for atleast 15 mins.' rule, I did'nt give 'the eye' to that lady who stepped on my feet while getting off the seven seater and I did'nt threaten the auto wala with my usual 'trip to jail' when he was being really unfair. Besides, my birthday is right around the corner, and though it might not seem like a big deal (atlest not as much as turning 16 or 20 or 30), birthdays bring its own share of excitement (well unless youre up for that 30 one I guess.)

I have a number of silly thing in mind that I can't wait to do. I can't wait to strool down that 'Second Hand Lane' one of my favourite places back home. I know it sounds kind of shallow or even cheap but I swear you'll get awesome bargains there. Pay a mere 50 bucks for an Abercromby & Fitch T-shirt, 80 bucks for a Louis Vuitton rainbow purse, 150 for a Hollister top and you'll see what I mean. FOOD...Oh! good food, proper home cooked food, sliced pork on the table waiting to be devoured. No sour curries that seem to be made with extra generousity on the part of the salting and spicing dept. My stomach cries for proper food which it has had a relationship with for years and years. Rest in peace tummy...mummy's goona get you there. FAMILY, my disfunctional yet wierdy sweetand endearing family. Yes, I'm headed home to add to the chaos. Dad thinks it will be a good idea to make a pit stop at Calcutta to stay with my brother for a night. Everyone's been wondering how the hell he manages to survive by himself in his one bedroom apartment, I guess I've been chosen to uncover the mystery behind the survival tactics of the young bachelor in 'The City of Joy'. Thanks dad for the honor but if he asks me to buy him any new stuff, I guess it will be on your card.

Now I come to the people I'l be leaving behind. Sob...sob! In my two and a half years here in Hyderabad, I've met lots of people. Some 'good friends', some 'Hi! Bye!' friends, a few 'You're really pathetic are'nt you but let others tell you that, as for me,I'l play nice' kind of people and some 'special ones'. To the people I deeply cherish, this is not goodbye forever. As for now I'm leaving it to faith or God, which ever works. And if its written for me, in the words of Mr.Arnold "I'l be back!" As Milton puts it "A short retirement urges a sweet return."

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I dont like selfish people,
I dont like those with an attitude.
I dont like arrogant people,
I dont like you, I'd conclude.

Maybe something in your head has been unscrewed,
You can try your best to delude.
But youre no shrewd,
I doubt they'l argue.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Ta daaa!!! My first post :) You have no idea how long it took me to pick a blog layout design. I'm sure I tried out every one of the options there. Well, after all that's typical me, indecisive as always. So if you are wondering why this, I'l have to say I simply like the feel of it, warm and homely. Besides the antique setting gives it a bonus point I must say, antiques are in you always.

I remember a certain, much admired professor advising me to blog. I thought to myself, why have all your thoughts documented and wait for the world to judge. Besides, I'm the kind of person who can't manage to keep a diary for longer than a month. I had a feeling that it would be more like asking the world to feel every emotion you're feeling. It was'nt until recently that I, out of sheer joblesness, started reading blogs. (Inside info - I started working a few months ago and I have this screen infront of me plugged to an incredibly fast network and when such and such people I work for decides to block practically all online shopping and networking sites I'm certainly not left with much choice.) So, somehow, I started taking interest in what people wish to share and end up reading certain blogs every other day. Moreover, I know I need to brush up on my writing skills rather badly, its been a loooong time since I wrote anything substantial.

This is me deciding to venture into the world of blogging. Lets look at it this way, im peeping through a small crack before I plunge into uncharted territory.